Status and objective

Federal Government Warri Old Students Association UK is a branch the National Association in Nigeria. Our objective is to promote the well being of members and support the school. All old students of the school resident in the UK and Ireland are automatically members of the Association.


The Association is run by an elected executive committee accountable to the members. The annual membership fee is £65. Members participate fully in the affairs of the Association although certain voting events may be restricted to paid up members only.

The Association started informally about 8 years ago with a few old students meeting on an ad-hoc basis.
Mr Lanre Oyewole tirelessly kept the network alive by maintaining a database of members and organising quarterly meetings each year until the formal establishment of the Association at our inaugural general meeting (AGM) which took place in London on 21 November 2015.

The inaugural AGM

The AGM was attended by delegates from the National Association and the North America branch. The new executive was sworn in by the Vice President of the National Association Mrs Maureen Akpofure Awobokun.

Dinner/Dance Celebration

A dinner and dance celebration followed the AGM which brought together nearly one hundred members and their families including a few pioneer students and those who attended in the early years. They shared their experience of the early years and gave us insights into how the school was run and the adjustments that were made to safeguard the welfare and safety of students during the Nigerian Civil War. It was an enjoyable evening of reunions, reconnections, reminiscence and renewed hope that the raison d’être for the model of unity schools is alive and well and remains a valid basis for ensuring unity in diversity, an ingredient that Nigeria desperately needs for our fledgling democracy.

Our Commitment

The executive committee reiterates its commitment to collaborate and serve the membership to the best of its ability in its work towards achieving the objectives of the Association.


So if you want to join us and want to be kept up to date then…