• Authorised Agent(s) means a person or persons specifically authorised by the Executive Committee to act on behalf of the Association
  • Authorised Officers are the members of the Executive Committee
  • Gender: Reference to the male gender (he, his or him) includes the female gender (she or her)
  • Groups means Regional groups of the Association located in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as agreed and determined by members
  • Members in good standing means paid–up members who are not subject to any current sanctions
  • Paid-up members means members with fully paid membership dues
  • The Executive Committee (the EXCO) means the elected officers of the Association
  • The School means Federal Government College Warri, Nigeria
  • Schedules form part of the provisions of this constitution. In the case of conflict or ambiguity between any provision contained in the body of this constitution and any provision contained in any of its schedules, the provision in the body of this constitution shall prevail
  • United Kingdom (UK) means countries or nations recognised and considered geographically and politically part of the United Kingdom


The commencement date of this constitution is 21 November 2015.


There is hereby established a body to be known as “Federal Government College, Warri, Old Students Association – UK” (“the Association”).


Membership of the Association shall comprise all old students of the School resident in the United Kingdom.


  1. Keep the spirit of the School alive and forge a community spirit among members
  2. Promote the ethos of the School among members and in solidarity with the School.
  3. Supervise all existing groups in the UK, promote and encourage the establishment of new groups.
  4. Initiate and execute programmes and/or activities aimed at accelerating the overall growth and development of the School and the Association.
  5. Encourage and maintain a continuous link between the Association and the School, and strive to provide moral, financial and other forms of support to the School.
  6. Promote and support academic and moral excellence in the School.
  7. Promote the general welfare of members and strive to maintain unity.


1. The Executive Committee (EXCO) of the Association shall be elected to serve an initial term of two years. The initial term will be extended by a period of one year subject to a maximum term of three years.

The EXCO shall:

  • Execute decisions of the Association
  • Initiate programmes and activities that conform to the aims and objectives of the Association
  • Have power to make decisions on behalf of and act for the Association in between meetings including acting on matters that require emergency/urgent attention.
  • Report its actions and decisions taken in between meetings to the next AGM following the date of those actions and decisions, for ratification by the Association. Ratification shall be by a simple majority of members entitled to vote.

2.  The EXCO shall comprise the following Officers:

  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Financial Secretary
  • Social Secretary
  • Ex Officio-Member

3.  Chairman

The Chairman is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association.

The Chairman shall:

Preside over all General and Executive Committee meetings

Provide an executive report to be read at each Annual General Meeting (AGM)

4.  Vice Chairman

The Vice Chairman shall:

Perform the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

Perform any duties delegated to him by the Chairman.

5.  Secretary

The Secretary shall:

Keep and maintain all records and documents of the Association except those records and documents relating to the finances of the Association.

Take minutes of meetings of the Association.

Produce and circulate the minutes and all correspondence of the Association.

6.  Assistant Secretary

The Assistant Secretary shall

Perform the duties of the Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.

7.  Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

Collect in all of the Association’s monies including membership dues, contributions for special projects etc. and maintain accurate records of monies so collected and issue receipts for same.

Disburse funds as directed and approved by the EXCO and/or the Association in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution

8.  Financial Secretary

The Financial Secretary shall

Keep up to date financial records of the Association to include books and accounts.

Produce and present the financial records as and when required to do so by the Association or its agents

9.  Social Secretary

The Social Secretary shall be responsible for publicity, social events and social media coverage relating to the activities of the Association.

10. Ex-Officio Member

The Ex-Officio member shall be the immediate past Chairman of the Association.  He becomes an Ex-Officio member only upon successful completion of his tenure as Chairman.

An outgoing Chairman or a past Chairman may contest new elections into any executive office provided that his term as an ex-officio member has come to an end.


  1. There shall be an Annual General Meeting between the months of October and November of each year or on any other date as shall be determined by members at an AGM.
  2. The business of the AGM shall include the following:

(a)     To receive the Chairman’s Executive report for the preceding year.

(b)     To receive and consider the financial accounts of the Association for the preceding year and the Treasurer’s report of the Association’s financial position.

(c)     To elect officers.

(d)     To agree members’ dues payable for the succeeding year.

(e)     To discuss any outstanding matters or projects concerning the School or the Association.

(f)       To agree the date for the next AGM.

(g)     To appoint the Association’s Auditors. The auditors will be appointed from a pool of members who are accountants but not members of the EXCO.

  1. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present.
  1. The following shall constitute a quorum in respect of each of the following meetings:

(a) AGM:

Twenty persons present and entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each being a member in good standing.  If such a quorum is not present within an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, or if during a meeting such a quorum ceases to be present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to such a time and place as the EXCO may determine.

(b) EXCO meetings:

Three members of the EXCO present at the meeting.  If such a quorum is not present within an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, or if during a meeting such a quorum ceases to be present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to such a time and place as the Chairman of the meeting may determine.

(c)  Regional Group meetings:

Five members present and entitled to vote at the meeting.  If such a quorum is not present within an hour from the time appointed for the meeting or if during a meeting such a quorum ceases to be present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to such a time and place as the Chairman of the meeting may determine.


(a) Only members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at the AGM

(b) Election of Officers shall be by a simple majority of votes cast by paid-up members

(c) Voting shall be in person or by electronic ballot received by the Association at the AGM.


  1. Notice of an AGM shall be sent out to all members, at least two calendar months before the date of the AGM. The Notice shall contain specific notices about election of officers and the offices to be contested.
  2. The EXCO shall be dissolved by a resolution of members following:

(i) Delivery of an up-to-date account of the Association’s finances and performance and consideration of its financial status.

(ii) Receipt and adoption of reports of the President, Treasurer and Auditors by members at the AGM during an election year.

  1. The Chairman shall appoint a Presiding Officer to preside over elections at the AGM.
  2. The Presiding Officer shall:

(i) Have power to make rules to regulate the elections and in particular rules regarding the voting and balloting process.

(ii) Receive nominations for election of new officers

  1. The Presiding Officer’s decision on the elections shall be final
  2. When an office becomes vacant between AGMs, the Chairman shall appoint a replacement. The person so appointed shall hold office until the next AGM of an election year.


The EXCO shall have power to set up Special Committees to perform duties or functions with clearly stated objectives on behalf of the Association.  Such committees shall be dissolved upon submission of their reports.


The Association’s finances shall include annual subscriptions and other funds raised for the Association including contributions, donations, gifts and endowments.  The financial year shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of the year preceding the AGM.

The joint signatories to the Association’s account shall be:

Chairman (Vice Chairman as alternate signatory)

Treasurer (Secretary as alternate signatory)

All monies received by the Association shall be paid into the Association’s bank account no later than two working days from the date of receipt of the monies. Cheques and other instruments drawn on, and instructions to the Association’s bankers, shall be jointly signed by the signatories as defined in Section IX above.


All members shall each pay an annual subscription of such sum as shall be determined by members at an Annual General Meeting.

Without prejudice to any of the above, the Executive Committee may from time to time make special levies on members for specified purposes.

Any member may at his or her own discretion make additional donations and/or contributions in cash or in kind to the Association.


No expense or obligation whatsoever shall be incurred by members of this Association except as incurred and set forth within this constitution. The EXCO shall ensure that the Association has adequate and proper insurance at all times to protect the membership from liability.


  • All members of the Association are enjoined and expected to uphold the ideals of the Association and refrain from conduct that may bring the Association into disrepute, ridicule or public contempt as set out in Schedule A of this constitution.
  • The Association may, at any time, subject to clause VIII above set up appropriate Special Committees (e.g. Disciplinary Committee) to consider and investigate matters relating to conduct of members that may be of interest to the Association and take appropriate action or actions to protect the name and image of both the Association and the School.
  • Such action shall include but is not limited to suspension from the Association and a ban from seeking or holding elected office in the Association. Suspension shall be limited to a maximum of one calendar year on each occasion.
  • Any member found to have engaged in conduct described in clause (i) and has been sanctioned by the Special Committee in accordance with Clause (iii) above either by suspension or other sanction deemed appropriate shall also be banned from seeking or holding elected office for a period of four calendar years on each occasion.


Any officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 majority of votes cast at the AGM under the following conditions, if:

Subject to clause XII of this constitution he is found guilty of misconduct as determined by the Special Committee.

By reason of ill-health or any other reason, he is unable to perform his functions effectively for a continuous period of six calendar months.


This constitution may be amended at an AGM of the Association.  Amendments may be proposed by any member in good standing. Notice of amendments shall be communicated in a written request to the Secretary, using the exact wording of the proposed change, to reach him at least 90 days before the date of the next AGM at which the amendment is to be proposed. The Secretary shall include the proposed amendment in his notice of the AGM.

An amendment shall be effective, by a 2/3 majority of the voting membership present and voting in favour of the amendment.

Any amendment or changes to this Constitution shall be attached hereto.


  • Any notice to a member under this constitution shall be in writing addressed to that member at the address as that member has specified to the Association and shall be delivered either personally, by first class post or other next working day delivery service, fax, or email.
  • A notice shall be deemed to have been received if delivered personally, when left at the address referred to in clause XV (i); if sent by first class post or other next working day delivery service, on the second working day after posting; or, if sent by fax or email, one working day after transmission

Schedule A

(Examples of conduct considered unacceptable and punishable by the Association)

This list is not exhaustive

Wilfully disrupting the AGM

Using the Association’s name, interest and resources for personal gain

A breach of the provisions of this Constitution